Struggle with sleep?
I decided to write this article to help all of my tribe fall asleep like babies from now on.
I’ve struggled with poor sleep ever since I was a kid so I know how hard it can be, especially when we have so many thoughts racing through our heads. When I did my research many years ago, I couldn’t find a realistic or sustainable solution for the issue. The only solution offered was to take a pill.
But let me tell you something: you can take as many pills as you want, but you’ll only ever be treating the surface symptoms rather than the root cause.
I’m a big believer in holistic methods, and I truly believe that our wonderful bodies have the power to heal themselves. So without further ado, let’s dive in – I want to share what I’ve learnt after many years of nocturnal hyperactivism.
Dealing with sleep trouble
First of all, you’re not alone. Been there, and still there.
I really wanted to point that out, because even Health Coaches struggle with their own health and mental issues. We’re not robots, and that’s beautiful!!!
Second of all, there are 3 main reasons you may not be able to fall asleep, or you often wake up during the night.
Now that we’ve run through some of the causes that might be leading to your lack of sleep, here are a few potential solutions to help you improve your nights:
It’s proven that exposing yourself to sunlight increases the brain’s release of a hormone called serotonin. Serotonin is associated with boosting your mood, and helping you feel calm and focused.
Turning off all of your digital devices one or two hours before bed will help your brain to stay away from an overload of news. Social media intentionally bombards your brain with information, which isn’t helpful when it comes to calming your mind before sleep.
Aromatic oils and perfumes have the power to relax your facial and body muscles, helping you feel more zen. I highly recommend choosing essential oils that have a calming effect on the body like lavender, chamomile, or bergamot.
Caffeine and theine are perfect for when you want to give your mind and body an energy boost. If you feel like you might be addicted to coffee or tea (or energy drinks!) try to moderate them, or even avoid them completely for a while. You’ll then be able to see if your body feels more tired without consuming them every day.
If you feel like meditation, white noise or soothing sleep music help you feel more relaxed, choose or create a long playlist for the night time and let it play while you’re in bed.
Keeping your feet warm is really helpful when it comes to falling asleep. If your body is toasty and warm, your muscles are able to relax, helping your entire system switch off.
If one of your nighttime traits is chronic overthinking, meditation is a great proven method to calm your mind. Try to do it 15 minutes before going to bed. Avoid third eye or visual meditations, as stimulating your third eye can actually promote lack of sleep.
I highly recommend eating a light and healthy meal a few hours before bed. Make sure you are eating enough: when we’re hungry or in starvation mode, our body is in a state of alarm and won’t easily drift off to sleep.
Our space influences our minds, so be sure to keep a tidy and relaxing bedroom space. You could also light some candles and incense before bed to create a more zen atmosphere.
Reading requires concentration. While you’re concentrating, you expel any stagnant energy and after a while you’ll feel tired. This is a great method to stay away from technology, enjoy a good book and help your brain switch off.
Good luck and happy sleeping! Let me know if you reap the benefits from this sleep guide– I’d love to hear if you have any of your own bedtime rituals, too.
Good Vibes Only,
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