I'm Viky, Holistic Coach & founder of LaVikyVibes!


My Health Coaching program is a holistic plan that helps clients understand their motivations and create behavior change. After the first meeting with the client where I make sure to provide a safe, supportive space to explore her\his goal and intentions, I will support him\her in developing sustainable wellness plans.

I support you in finding the best version of yourself and in elevating the quality of your life. Fantastic! right?!

My name is Maria Vittoria, but you can call me Viky! I graduated at IIN nutrition school in 2021 and I became a Coach. A Health Coach is a supportive mentor who helps clients reach their wellness goals and feel the best through personalized, one-on-one encouragement around finding the foods and lifestyle practices that work best for them.

Let me explain what can I do for you!

I know, it's not happened yet but here's my biggest intention: I hope that LaVikyVibes will become a community of curious mind and lovely members that give support to people in finding their light.I also wish to support as many people as possible. Together, we can do it!

2021 & beyond

My course at IIN officially started! an amazing journey that brought me to become a Life Coach! After my degree, I started to build my second business as Health Consultant.Every day I am learning new things and I'm helping people to embrace their bio-individuality and become the best version of themselves!


What a year! I think the most terrible year of my life.A series of unfortunate events have happened and I was completely lost.But as somebody said, the biggest things start in the toughest times.In November 2020, I realize that my real purpose was helping people in finding their own light.From that point, my life has changed for the better.


My Journey So Far



When you learn beautiful things that can truly change people's lives, you can't wait to share it to your clients and help them to find their light. When I can make people's happy, I'm happy too. This is the reason why I start this wonderful chapter in my life. Now it's your turn, are you ready to find your purpose and become the best version of yourself?

I began to see health as a wonderful journey that doesn't depends only on food but also in our state of mind.

2020 was the most difficult year of my life.My family has experienced two tragic loss in less than one year and the pandemic completely change our way of living.I was working as Fashion consultant(which is still part of my job) but there was a voice inside of me that constantly told me that my contribute wasn't enough.I always had a natural predisposition to listen and help people.When this need got bigger, I realize what my life purpose was: helping people in finding their own way of being healthy, happy and successful.I knew that the biggest things start in the toughest times.Now that I experienced on my skin, I totally agree! In January 2021 I started my course at IIN, the world's largest online nutrition school.After the first month, my vision has completely changed.

I've never thought this journey would have changed my life so deeply...



Golden Milks in a year


Health Coaching Calls COMPLETED




"A wonderful journey of self-love! Highly recommended!"

"I did the 6th month programme with Maria and I feel reborn! I have finally found my purpose and my health has improved a lot too, which is an added bonus!"

"I feel like I've never felt before! Full of energy, happy and finally healthy again! A holistic plan that will change your life"



Become the best version of you, for you!

Let's Do This,Together!

ready to go?

Eat to Glow is created to be your skin's best friend! For those who want to reset their gut flora (aka the thing that really runs the health show!)  and have super glowing skin!

Eat to glow: Five easy steps to nourish your body and glow from the inside-out!